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5 Card Chess 



The object of the game is to reach checkmate, tie-break or forfeiture.


â– 1 standard chess set (board and pieces)

â– 1 custom deck of 5CardChess playing cards

â– Chess clock

â– Doubling cube


The Deck is made up of 52 playing cards which include 5 different piece cards and Wild Card that can be played by either players:


The cards include:

8 Queens

8 Rooks

8 Bishops

8 Knights

16 pawns

4 WILD Cards




The chess board is set up with pieces in their standard starting position.  Red will be set up on the 1st and 2nd RANK.  Black is set up on teh 7th and 8th RANK.


Both players decide on the buy in and what the ante will be.  


Players ante up.  


Each player begins with one of each piece card (1 Queen, 1 Rook, 1 Bishop, 1 Knight and one pawn card.  All other cards are shuffled and placed to the side.  Players alternate moves on the chessboard with RED going first.  To move a piece, a player discards one of his playing cards, makes the move with the coordinating piece on the board and discards his played card and select a new card from the stack.  King moves and captures do not require a card from your hand to be played.  Wild Cards can be played for any legal move on the board.




Standard chess clocks are used.  Players decide on time control and it is recommended to use a delay to allow for discard and drawing cards.


A doubling cube is a die marked with the numbers 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and 64 and can be used to increase your stakes in the game.


If you are in a winning position and want to increase your stakes, you may offer the cube to your opponent by placing the die with the 2 facing up.  Your opponent has two options.  He can either meet your raise and pay half the ante and continue playing or he can pay you the original ante and resign from the game.


If your opponent accepts the cube and matches the bet, he is now in possession of the cube.  He can choose to offer you the cube upon his turn and double the raise which is now quadruple the original ante.  The call is to you and you will have the choice to accept and match the raise or pay the ante and forfeit the game.


While there is no limit to how high the cube may escalate, in practice, cubes higher than 8 are very rare as limitations on bankroll start to play a part.


Just as in poker, the double forces the opponent to either fold and concede the pot (the stake of the game) or put more money in the pot (increase the stakes) in order to see who will win. The best cube handlers are aggressive doublers, always putting pressure on their opponents to make a decision which might be costly.


The doubling cube can only be offered at the start of your turn.


If you are unhappy with your hand or cannot make a move on the board, when it is your turn, you have the option to FOLD in your cards and replace them with 5 new cards from the deck.  This is done in lieu of your turn and will give your opponent a tempo.


On your turn, you can CALL.  If you see a winning combination and see checkmate, you can CALL.  The clock will continue to run but your hand and your opponent's hands will be frozen.  You both must play your current hand without picking up any new piece cards.  If you successfully reach checkmate, you will the POT and the game is over.  If however, you miscalculated and do not reach checkmate with your existing hand, the game is considered a DRAW and will be decided by TIE BREAK.  The person who's turn it is will select the first card from the stack and the other player will select the next card.  The highest ranking card will win the POT.  The rankings from highest are WILD, Queen, Rook, Bishop/Knight, pawn.  If both player draw duplicate cards or one player draws a Bishop and the other a Knight, they will continue to draw cards until a winner is determined.


All standard chess draw rules apply. 


•3 move repetition


•No checks or captures within 50 moves

•(K vs K, K/B v K, K/B vs K/B same color)


The additional draw rule includes:


•After 40 moves, players may agree to a draw.

•If you call and are unable to reach checkmate.


ALL draws will result in a winner by tie break. Tie break is determined by the FLOP. In the event of a draw, all cards will be collected and shuffled into the deck.  Each player will draw one card from the top of the deck. Red goes first. The higher ranked


card is declared the winner. Rank is based on chess point value.  If both players draw the same piece or one player


draws a Bishop and the other draws a Knight, each player will draw another card until

there is a higher rank card selected. WILD, QUEEN, ROOK, BISHOP (KNIGHT), pawn


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